Journal of Product & Brand Management: Volume 4 Issue 5


Table of contents

Organizational conflicts affecting technology commercialization from nonprofit laboratories

Charles R. Duke

Organizational conflict mediates management and innovator interestin commercializing technology. Issues (or circumstances) resulting fromconflicting goals should be considered by…


Improving brand performance by altering consumers′ brand uncertainty

Amit K. Ghosh, Goutam Chakraborty, Debra Bunch Ghosh

Points out that since consumers are seldom familiar with all thecompeting brands or the attributes of these brands, brand uncertaintyexists in every market. Presents theoretical…


Brand popularity and country image in global competition: managerial implications

Chung Koo Kim

This study examines how brand‐ and country‐related intangibleassets influence the market shares of brands and their marketingeffectiveness (particularly price effectiveness)…


Commentary: permissive marketing – the effects of the AIDS crisis on marketing practices and messages

Aubrey Wilson, Christopher West

Discusses the link between AIDS and marketing for companies, andthe effect this has had on conventional and unconventional products.Defines three levels of marketing…


Decision support for global marketing strategies: the effect of country of origin on product evaluation

Masood A. Badri, Donald L. Davis, Donna F. Davis

Due to increasing global competition, the issue ofcountry‐of‐origin has received a great deal of attention recently.Examines country‐of‐origin image stereotyping by businesspeople…


Using membership fees to increase customer loyalty

Alan S. Dick

Reports on a preliminary study which examined the impact ofmembership fees on consumer attitude and choice. Consumers participatedin a computerized simulated shopping experiment…

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  • Dr Cleopatra Veloutsou