Journal of Asia Business Studies: Volume 13 Issue 4


Table of contents

Exploration/exploitation innovation and firm performance: the mediation of entrepreneurial orientation and moderation of competitive intensity

Bojun Hou, Jin Hong, Ruonan Zhu

Although many scholars have found that exploration and exploitation innovation have significantly positive effects on firm performance, it remains to be resolved whether the…


Views of Indonesian consumer towards medical tourism experience in Malaysia

Harriman Samuel Saragih, Peter Jonathan

Indonesians are known for their unique behaviour and willingness to travel abroad for healthcare treatments. More than half of the healthcare “tourists” who travel to Malaysia…

How does the type of product moderate consumers’ buying intentions towards traditional foods? (Study of consumer behavior in Indonesia)

Budhi Haryanto, Djoko Purwanto, Amina Sukma Dewi, Edi Cahyono

This paper aims to explain the relationship between product quality, price and convenience with a positive attitude and intention to buy traditional food. In addition, it also…


Auditors’ professionalism and factors affecting it: insights from Indonesia

Eko Suyono, Omar Al Farooque

This study aims to investigate the effects of intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, internal locus of control, and auditors’ experience (intrinsic characteristics…

Emanating the key factors of innovation performance: leveraging on the innovation culture among SMEs in Malaysia

Haniruzila Hanifah, Hasliza Abdul Halim, Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Ali Vafaei-Zadeh

Innovation has become an approach to create value for the customer to remain competitive in the market. However, previous research on innovation performance particularly among…


Exploring bullying among Indian managers: a grounded theory approach

Upasna A. Agarwal, Arpana Rai

This paper aims to explore the phenomenon of workplace bullying – its nature, antecedents, direct and indirect effects – from victim’s perspective.

Is meaningful work the silver bullet? Perspectives of the social workers

Kim-Lim Tan, Tek-Yew Lew, Adriel K.S. Sim

The purpose of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of meaningful work against dimensions of job burnout, with psychological capital (PsyCap) as the mediator.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Asian firms: a strategic choice perspective of ethics and compliance management

Ajai Gaur, Koustab Ghosh, Qinqin Zheng

The decision regarding ethics and compliance management (ECM) adoption and its actual implementation is usually deliberated as an important corporate social responsibility (CSR…

Innovative product marketing strategy: multinational companies in Bangladesh

Maria Fregidou-Malama, Ehsanul Huda Chowdhury, Akmal S. Hyder

This paper aims to deal with international marketing of products, analyzing how adaptation/standardization and network development are achieved when marketing products in…


The Islamic theory of consumer behaviour for ijarah home financing

Hanudin Amin

This study aims to examine the factors that determine consumer behaviour of ijarah home financing using the Islamic theory of consumer behaviour (ITCB). In particular, the…


Readiness factors for information technology adoption in SMEs: testing an exploratory model in an Indian context

Jessy Nair, Aarthy Chellasamy, B.N. Balaji Singh

Extant literature regarding factors essential for successful information technologies (IT) implementation in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) does not significantly address…


The effects of organizational culture and commitment on employee innovation: evidence from Vietnam’s IT industry

Vinh The Nguyen, Sununta Siengthai, Fredric Swierczek, Umesh Kumar Bamel

This paper aims to analyze the relationship between organizational culture (measured by mission, involvement, consistency, adaptability and well-being), employee organizational…

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  • Sanjay Singh