
Judith Marquand, Peter Scott

Democrats, Authoritarians and the Bologna Process

ISBN: 978-1-78743-466-0, eISBN: 978-1-78754-497-0

Publication date: 30 April 2018

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Marquand, J. and Scott, P. (2018), "Index", Democrats, Authoritarians and the Bologna Process, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 199-208.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2018 Emerald Publishing Limited


Aberystwyth, Wales
, 128

, 8, 11

, 8

new public management and
, 31

Agrarian University. See Omsk State Agrarian University

‘Aha!’ moment
, 25

Allégre, Claude
, 37–38

Altruistic exchange
, 22

Andrews, Leighton
, 165

Anglo-Saxon model/system
, 29–30, 43

, 18, 28

Artistic education, in UK
, 130

Ashoka (the Emperor)
, 28

, 4, 9, 61, 99, 177, 180, 181

Authoritarianism goes Global (Diamond, Plattner, & Walker)
, 9

Authoritarian regimes
, 9

Autonomy and Change (Marquand)
, 1

, 109

Bachelor’s degree, in Germany
, 82–89

Bakhtin, Mikhail
, 18

Bangor University
, 168

Barlow Report (1946)
, 130

Barnett formula
, 164

Baron-Cohen, S.
, 15, 17, 19

, 41

Bergan, Sjur
, 40, 54

Berlinguer, Luigi
, 37

Block grants
, 143–144

Bologna Agreement
, 4

Bologna Declaration
, 2

Bologna Follow-Up Group
, 127, 139

Bologna Process
, 1, 119–120

Anglo-Saxon model
, 29–30

authoritarianism and
, 9

developments since
, 1999, 43–51

formulation of
, 36–41

higher education and
, 2

impact and reach
, 3

implementation of
, 61–66

as liberal-democratic phenomenon
, 3

management of
, 51–59

objectives of
, 2, 35–36

, 10–11

populism and
, 10

quality assurance approaches and
, 9

reasons why countries needed
, 41–43

signatory countries
, 40–41

Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance
, 105

university reform
, 13–14

Western democracy and
, 29

wider context of
, 59–61

See also specific countries and universities

Bologna Process Implementation Report
, 159

, 14–15

Brighton University
, 157

Browne, L. J.
, 146–147, 148, 150

Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeverbänds (BDA)
, 81

Burnett, Stephen
, 174–175

Cambridge Universiy
, 128

as Gold Standard
, 153

Royal Commissions in
, 1850, 128–129

Cardiff Metropolitan (Cardiff Met)
, 167, 168–169, 175

Cardiff University, Welsh
, 166

Catherine the Great
, 99

Chistokhalov, Viktor
, 103

Cirstocca, I.
, 180

City and Guilds of London Institute for the Advancement of Technical Education
, 129

City Corporation, England
, 129

Civic universities, in UK
, 129

Civil servants
, 1, 3–4

Coal consumption
, 163

Collaborative approaches, to learning
, 30

Colleges of Advanced Technologies (CAT)
, 134–135

Collini, Stefan
, 146, 152

Collins, H.
, 22

Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (CVCP)
, 131

, 19, 20

Communist ruled-countries
, 1

European Union and
, 43

signatories from
, 43

, 21

Computer programmes
, 19

Confederation of German Employers’ Association
, 81

Confucius Institute at TSU
, 121

Conservative government
, 141

Continuing education for adults
, 133

, 21–24

competition and
, 22

evolution of
, 21

game theory
, 21–22

interactional expertise
, 22

negotiating skills
, 22

professional expertise
, 22–23

Sennett on
, 22

Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA)
, 134, 136

Council of Europe
, 32

Critical reasoning
, 27

Crouch, Colin
, 26

Cultural Bias (Douglas)
, 5

Cultural theory
, 4–5

, 27–28

Curtin University, W. Australia
, 120

Cymru, Plaid
, 164

Dahrendorf, R.
, 71

Dakowska, D.
, 180

Dearing Committee
, 144–145

, 4, 9, 10, 11, 13, 29, 32, 71, 177, 181

in education
, 29

as a process of discovery
, 29

Democracy in America (De Tocqueville)
, 29

Department for Education and Science (DFES)
, 146

Department of Business, Industry and Skills (BIS)
, 139

De Tocqueville, A.
, 29

Deutsches Akademisches Austausch Dienst (DAAD)
, 81, 89, 96

Development Aid in Russia (Marquand)
, 1

Dewey, J.
, 29–30

, 18–19, 23

, 18–19, 23

Dialogue in education
, 28

Diamond, Ian
, 172

Differentiating exchange
, 22

Diplom Ingenieur
, 70

Direct non-market social benefits
, 31–32

Distance learning
, 133

Dorling, Danny
, 7

Douglas, Mary
, 4–5

Dresden Technical University
, 75

Dyson, James
, 28

East Germany
, 75–76

, 77–79


democracy in
, 28

dialogue in
, 28

public good to
, 32–33

social benefits from
, 32

Education Act (1944)
, 130

Educational psychologists
, 23–24

Egalitarian forms of organisation
, 5–6

Ellis, Richard
, 4, 5

Emile (Rousseau)
, 29

Engineering model
, 27


intellectual life in
, 128

Royal Society
, 128

, 128

European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)
, 106

European Commission
, 37

European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS)
, 136, 159

European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
, 2

European Higher Education Area (EHEA)
, 8, 10, 36, 160

See also Bologna Process; Universities

European Journal of Higher Education
, 180

European Universities Association (EUA)
, 40

European Values Survey
, 6

Excellenz Initiativ
, 93

Experimental method
, 20

First World War
, 163

Framework Act for Higher Education
, 75


Joint Declaration and
, 38

Freiburg University
, 83–84, 94, 95, 97

Freie Universität
, 72–73

German Democratic Republic (DDR)
, 75–76

See also East Germany

, 3, 38

Bologna Process
, 38, 80–82

collaborative capitalism
, 80

, 81, 89, 96

, 75–76

higher education until
, 1945, 67–72

lifelong learning
, 95–97

, 67

quality assurance
, 90–95

, 77–79

transition to bachelor’s and master’s degrees
, 82–89

universities. See Universities, in Germany

, 72–75

, 73

Giere, Ronald N.
, 26

Gladkikh, Boris
, 118–119

Gladstone, William Ewart
, 129

Gonzales, Julia
, 107

, 20

Gornitza, A.
, 8

Göttingen University, Hanover, Germany
, 67, 68

Society of Sciences in
, 68

Grandes Écoles
, 38

Great Depression of the 1930s
, 60

Great Exhibition (1851)
, 129

Grid-group cultural theory
, 4–5

, 5

See also Grid-group cultural theory

Guilds of London
, 129

Halle University in Prussia
, 67

Philosophy Faculty
, 68

Theology Faculty
, 68

Hanoverian university
, 68

Harmsen, R.
, 180

Hazelkorn, Ellen
, 173

Hazelkorn Report
, 173

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate (HMI)
, 136

Higher education

demand for
, 42

demographic trends and
, 42

in Germany until
, 1945, 67–72

social benefits
, 32

state funding of
, 42

Trends I report
, 41

See also Universities

Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR)
, 141

Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)
, 137

Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW)
, 137, 165, 173

Higher Education Quality Council (HEQC)
, 137, 138

Honecker, Erich
, 76

Hood, Christopher
, 4, 5, 7

Hosking, Geoffrey
, 30

Huisman, J.
, 7, 8

Humanities Department, at Brighton University
, 156–157

Humboldt, Wilhelm von
, 14, 69, 71, 93, 94, 100, 128

Humboldt University
, 72, 82–83

Ideas, sharing of
, 26

Identity politics

populism and
, 10

Imperial College of Science and Technology
, 129–130

Implementation of Bologna Process
, 61–66

, 28

Industrial cities, universities in
, 128

, 20

Information technologies
, 7–8

, 24–28

‘Aha!’ moment
, 25

circumstances producing
, 26–27

critical reasoning
, 27

diffusion of
, 25

physiological basis for
, 26

societies and
, 25

, 2, 25

teaching methods and
, 27

Institute of Management and Economics
, 109, 110–111

Institutes for Professional Development
, 110

Intelligent accountability
, 8

Interactional expertise
, 22–23

See also Cooperation

International Business School (OMSU)
, 114

Irkutsk University
, 124


Joint Declaration and
, 39

Johnson, Steven
, 26

Joint Declaration on Harmonisation of the Architecture of the European Higher Education System
, 37–38

Kahneman, D.
, 15, 17, 19

Kastueva-Jean, Tatiana
, 107–108

Kazan University
, 99

Keele University
, 131

Kehm, B. M.
, 78

King’s College London
, 128

, 70

Kultusministerskonferenz (KMK)
, 73

, 19

Law on Education (Russia)
, 102, 104

Layard, Richard
, 6

, 13–20

collaborative approaches to
, 30

concept of
, 14

cooperation and
, 21–24

dialectic and dialogic in
, 18–19

in economic terms
, 31

innovation and
, 24–28

promotion of
, 14

society and
, 28–33

Leipzig Academy of Painting, Drawing and Architecture
, 85

Leipzig HTWK
, 77–78, 85, 86–87, 91, 93, 94, 95

Leipzig Municipal Trade School
, 85

Leipzig University
, 83, 91, 93

Leuven communique
, 32

Lewis, Huw
, 172

Liberal democracies
, 3

Lisbon Recognition Convention
, 104

Local Education Authority (LEA)
, 132

Locke, J.
, 28

Logical reasoning
, 14

London School of Economics
, 132

Loutfi, Mohamed
, 168

Luhmann, Niklas
, 30

Maassen, P.
, 8

Magna Charta
, 168, 169, 175

Magna Charta Universitatum
, 36, 37

Manchester Metropolitan University
, 154

Manchester University
, 1

, 75

Master’s degree, in Germany
, 82–89

McCormick Report
, 171

McMahon, Walter W.
, 31–32

Mendras, Marie
, 124

Mill, John Stuart
, 29

Million +  Group
, 139

Mobility, German universities and
, 95–97

Modular courses
, 135–136

Morris, Huw
, 167, 168

Moscow University
, 99

Mueller, Jan-Werner
, 9

Münchhausen, Gerlach Adolf von
, 68

National Accreditation Agency
, 106

National Advisory Board for Public Sector Higher Education (NAB)
, 136

National Committee of Inquiry into Higher Education
, 144

National Health Service
, 156, 164

National Qualifications Framework, Russia
, 106–107, 110

National Quality Assurance, Russia
, 122

Negotiating skills
, 22

See also Cooperation

Neolithic Revolution
, 24

Network Governance (NG)
, 8

quality assurance
, 9

New Climate Economy Report
, 3

New Public Management (NPM)
, 4, 7–9

, 8

quality assurance
, 9

use of
, 8–9

A New World Order (Slaughter)
, 3

Nobel prizes
, 43

Northcote-Trevelyan Report
, 129

Northern Ireland
, 127

See also United Kingdom

Not by Bread Alone (Bergan)
, 54

OECD countries
, 32

Office for Fair Access (OFFA)
, 145

Omsk F. M Dostoevsky State University (OMSU)
, 112–116

International Business School
, 114

teachers assessment system
, 115

Omsk Pedagogical University
, 115

Omsk State Agrarian University
, 111

Omsk State Transport University (OSTU)
, 109–116

Institute of Management and Economics
, 109, 110–111

National Qualifications Framework
, 110

sample programme
, 110

specialist courses
, 109–110

O’Neill, Onora
, 8, 31

Open University
, 133

Owens College Manchester
, 128

Oxford Brookes University
, 135, 156

National Health Service and
, 156

Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development
, 156

Oxford Universiy
, 128

degree programme
, 153–154

as Gold Standard
, 153

Royal Commissions in
, 1850, 128–129

Paradeise, C.
, 8

Participant observation
, 20

Percy Report (1945)
, 130

Peter the Great
, 99–100

, 25

Pickett, Kate
, 7

Pinker, S.
, 15, 19

, 135, 136–137

, 9–10

identity politics and
, 10

technocracy and
, 10

Potemkin, Grigory
, 99

Prague Conference in
, 2001, 127

Printing press
, 25

Prisoner’s Dilemma
, 21

Pritchard, R. M. O.
, 79

Private non-market benefits
, 32

Privy Council, Germany
, 68

Process model
, 28

Professional expertise
, 22

Public goods
, 31

Public management
, 4

fatalist approach to
, 5, 6

hierarchist approach to
, 5–6

individualist approach to
, 6

Putin, Vladimir
, 121–122, 124

, 124

Quality assurance
, 9

Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)
, 138

Queen’s College Birmingham
, 128

Rational thinking
, 15

Ravinet, Pauline
, 81

, 16

Redundant capacity
, 26

Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)
, 137

Research Excellence Framework (REF)
, 137, 143

Research methods
, 20

Research universities, in Russia
, 108

Reserved matters model
, 164

Reunification of Germany
, 77–79

Revushkin, Alexander S.
, 117–118

Riordan, Colin
, 166, 175

Robbins, L.
, 132

Robbins Report
, 132–134

Rousseau, J.-J.
, 29

Royal College of Science
, 129

Royal Commissions in
, 1850, 128–129

Royal School of Mines
, 129

Royal Society
, 128

Russell Group
, 139, 140, 154, 156, 166

, 3

being exceptional
, 99

Bologna Process
, 102–104

history and institutions
, 99–109

Law on Education
, 102, 105

Lisbon Recognition Convention
, 105

tertiary education
, 104

universities. See Universities, in Russia

Rüttgers, Jürgen
, 37

Rüttgers, Jürgen
, 81

Sadovnichiy, Viktor
, 103

Salford University
, 151, 154–156

School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science
, 154

Schubert, Charlotte
, 95–96


Bologna Follow-Up Group
, 127

devolved powers
, 127

higher education system in
, 127

U.K. revenue to
, 164

universities in
, 128

Sen, Amartya
, 28

Sennett, Richard
, 18, 20, 22, 26

Shakespeare, W.
, 19

Shanghai Jiao Tong Universities index
, 42

Sharing of ideas
, 26

Shattock, Michael
, 131

Shorter Oxford English Dictionary
, 18

Siberian universities. See Universities, in Russia

Simon, Herbert
, 15

Slaughter, Anne-Marie
, 3–4

Snow, C. P.
, 134n19

Social benefits, from education
, 31

Social sciences
, 20

Society, learning and
, 28–33

, 28

Sorbonne Declaration
, 2, 37

Soviet Union

break-up of
, 99, 101

See also Russia

Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance
, 105

Stenhouse, L.
, 27

Student Loans Company
, 144

Swansea University
, 166–167

System 1 (thinking)
, 15–17

System 2 (thinking)
, 16–17

Teaching Quality Assessment (TQA)
, 138

Teaching Quality Initiative
, 93–94

Technical education, in UK
, 129–130

grants for
, 130

Technical universities, Germany
, 69–70

Technische Hochschule
, 78

Technological progress
, 25

Tectonic plates, theory of
, 26–27

Teichler, U.
, 74

, 102, 107, 108, 111

Tertiary education
, 104

Thatcher, Margaret
, 141

Theory of tectonic plates
, 26–27


, 16

, 16–17

Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman)
, 15

Thompson, Michael
, 4, 5

Times Higher Education Supplement index (THES)
, 42

Tit for Tat
, 21

Tomsk State Polytechnical University
, 109, 116

Tomsk State University (TSU)
, 116–125

Confucius Institute at
, 121

educational programmes
, 118

environmental management
, 120–121

foreign language
, 123

Institute of Distance Learning
, 123–124

National Qualifications Framework and
, 118

as national research university
, 121

quality assurance
, 122

student and staff surveys
, 123

student exchange programme
, 54

Transport University
, 109

Trans-Siberian Railway
, 109

Trends in Learning Structures in Higher Education (Haug, Kirsten, & Knudsen)
, 40

Trinity College Dublin
, 128

Trivers, R. L.
, 21n20

Trojan horse
, 141

, 6–7

decision-making process and
, 30

, 30–31

inequality and
, 30–31

institutional conditions for
, 30

modern society and
, 30

Tuition fees
, 137, 142–143

Tuning Process
, 107, 120

Tuning Project
, 64n63

Tuning Russia
, 107

, 41

Turnbull, Oliver
, 174

Tversky, Amos
, 15

UK Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition
, 163

UK Further and Higher Education Act
, 170

UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)
, 170

Ulbricht, Walter
, 76

, 27

United Kingdom
, 2, 3

descent towards barbarism
, 141–157

geographical features
, 127

history prior to Robbins report
, 128–132

Joint Declaration and
, 38

Robbins to the Bologna Declaration
, 132–141

Sorbonne Declaration
, 127

students in
, 129

universities. See Universities, in United Kingdom

See also Wales

United Nations
, 3


in Germany
, 67–97

, 81

Bologna Process
, 80–82

critical attitude to classical sources
, 70

, 71–72

East Germany
, 75–76

foreign students
, 96

mobility between
, 95–97

, 71

science in
, 70

, 69–70

transition to bachelor’s and master’s degrees
, 82–89

West Germany
, 72–75

World Wars and
, 72

, 13–14

in Russia
, 99–126

, 105, 106, 108

, 105, 106

, 108

central information sources
, 108

, 104, 106

, 99–108

international recognition
, 106

, 105

National Qualifications Framework
, 106–107

, 109–116

, 124

, 101

, 108

, 116–125

two-tier system
, 107

in United Kingdom

, 134–135

distance learning
, 133

modular courses
, 135–136

overseas students
, 141–142

, 135

public expenditure
, 141–142

quality assurance system
, 137–138

research funds
, 142–143

Royal Commission on
, 132

state grants/funing for
, 130–131, 136–137

, 133–134

technological higher education
, 134

Times Higher Education
, 133

UCCA and
, 131

US vs. European
, 42–43

in Wales
, 165–175

See also Bologna Process

Universities Central Council on Admissions (UCCA)
, 131, 132

Universities Funding Council
, 136

Universities UK (UUK)
, 131

University Alliance
, 139, 153, 154

University College London
, 128

University Grants Committee (UGC)
, 130, 131, 136, 137

University of Berlin
, 68–70, 128

University of Bologna
, 36

University of Glasgow
, 140

University of London
, 130

University of Sheffield
, 1

Velvet Revolutions
, 1

, 3, 127, 163–175

, 163, 164

devolved powers
, 127, 163–164, 165

EU Category I region
, 163

Future Generations Act
, 164

higher education policy in
, 165

, 163

Labour Party in
, 164

U.K. revenue to
, 164

universities in
, 128, 165–175

See also United Kingdom

Wales Act
, 2014, 171

Wales Act
, 2017, 164

Watson, James
, 26

Welsh Development Agency
, 163

Werdigier, Julia
, 28

Western democracy
, 29

West Germany
, 72–75

Framework Act for Higher Education
, 75

, 73

, 72–75

See also Germany

What is Populism? (Mueller)
, 9

Wildavsky, Aaron
, 4, 5

Wilkinson, Richard
, 6–7

Willetts, David
, 142

Winner-takes-all strategy
, 22

Win-win exchange
, 22

, 69, 70

, 77, 79, 92, 93

Witte, Johanna
, 158–159

Wohlfeil, Harald
, 94

Wolf, Martin
, 152–153

World Values Survey
, 6

Yugay, Klimenty
, 116

Zero-sum exchange
, 22

Zervakis, Peter
, 98