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Inequality of Opportunity in Europe: Is There a Role for Institutions?

Inequality: Causes and Consequences

ISBN: 978-1-78560-811-7, eISBN: 978-1-78560-810-0

Publication date: 25 February 2016


This paper studies the cross-country differences in conventional measures of inequality of opportunity in Europe in the space of individual disposable incomes. Exploiting two recent waves of the EUSILC database reporting information on family background (2005 and 2011), we provide estimates of inequality of opportunity in about 30 European countries for two sufficiently distant data points, allowing a check of consistency for country rankings. In addition, we exploit two observations available for most of the countries to explore the relationship between many institutional dimensions and inequality of opportunity, finding evidence of negative correlation with educational expenditure (especially at the pre-primary level) and passive labour market policies.



Checchi, D., Peragine, V. and Serlenga, L. (2016), "Inequality of Opportunity in Europe: Is There a Role for Institutions? ", Inequality: Causes and Consequences (Research in Labor Economics, Vol. 43), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 1-44.



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