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Fires in hotel rooms and scenario predictions

Diane Roberts (Head of Department of Hospitality and Tourism, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK)
Daniel Hin‐Wing Chan (Consulting Fire Engineer, Hinkey Technical Services, Hong Kong)

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

ISSN: 0959-6119

Article publication date: 1 February 2000



Contributes towards the research into the potential dangers of unprotected hotel rooms by highlighting the incidence, and cause, of some major hotel fires in Asia and USA. Additionally, through the use of fire modelling computer software, predicts various fire scenarios inside the guest room, demonstrates how little time is available for evacuation, and states that without specific precautions, fire fatalities will continue to occur. Suggests that once such an appreciation becomes widespread, together with the worldwide publicity resulting from fires in hospitality environments, this may influence the demands made by travellers, and that hoteliers might be well advised to exceed the requirements placed upon them by statute, and advertise such personal safety guarantees alongside their usual facilities, as part of an overall strategy in the battle for competitive edge.



Roberts, D. and Hin‐Wing Chan, D. (2000), "Fires in hotel rooms and scenario predictions", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 12 No. 1, pp. 37-45.




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