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Non-disruptive knowledge and business processing in knowledge life cycles – aligning value network analysis to process management

Christian Stary (based at Business Information Systems–Communications Engineering & Knowledge Management Competence Center, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Linz, Austria)

Journal of Knowledge Management

ISSN: 1367-3270

Article publication date: 8 July 2014




This paper aims to achieve fully intertwined knowledge and business processing in change processes. It proposes streamlining situated articulation work, value network analyses (VNA) and subject-oriented business process modelling (S-BPM) and execution to provide non-disruptive single and double learning processes driven by concerned stakeholders. When implementing knowledge life cycles, such as Firestone and McElroy’s knowledge life cycle, the agility of organizations is significantly constrained, in particular, when surviving knowledge claims should be implemented in the business processing environment in a seamless way.


The contribution is based on a conceptual analysis of knowledge life cycle implementations, learning loop developments and an exploratory case study in health care to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The solution towards non-disruptive knowledge and business processing allows stakeholders to actively participate in single- and double-loop learning processes.


The introduced approach supports problem and knowledge claim formulation, knowledge claim evaluation and non-disruptive knowledge integration into a business process environment. Based on stakeholder articulation, the steps to follow are: holomapping, exchange analysis, impact analysis, value creation analysis, subject-oriented modelling, business process validation and execution. Seamless support of stakeholders is enabled through the direct mapping of stakeholder and activity descriptions from value network representations to behaviour specifications (process models) on the individual and organizational layer.

Research limitations/implications

Current knowledge life cycle developments and implementations can now be analyzed in a structured way. Elements of the proposed approach could be integrated in disruptive implementations to overcome current limitations of knowledge life cycles. However, further case studies need to be performed to identify hindrances or barriers of combining VNA and S-BPM, both on the technological and methodological layer. What works for expert service industries might need to be adapted for production industries, and tools or tool chains might need to be configured accordingly. Finally, the socio-economic impact of the approach needs to be explored.

Practical implications

The presented case study from health care reveals the potential of such a methodological combination, as cycle times can be reduced, in particular, due to the execution of role-specific process models in the respective business processing environment. It can be considered as a fundamental shift for existing change management procedures, as they require rework of the entire functional process models when addressing business processing. Now, stakeholder- or role-specific behaviour can be handled isolated and in parallel, without affecting the entire organization in case of modifications.


The proposed methodological integration has not been done before. It enables stakeholders to perform single- and double-loop change processes in a seamless way.



© IANES (Interactive Acquisition, Negotiation and Enactment of Subject-Oriented Business Process Knowledge)

The author is grateful to the JKU development team of Comprehand, TILAK management and staff and research collaborators, in particular in the context of S-BPM and the IANES (Interactive Acquisition, Negotiation and Enactment of Subject-Oriented Business Process Knowledge) – project, supported by contract no. PIAP-GA-2011-286083 (EU-FP7-IAPP), see also


Stary, C. (2014), "Non-disruptive knowledge and business processing in knowledge life cycles – aligning value network analysis to process management", Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 18 No. 4, pp. 651-686.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2014, Authors

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