PCIF and the future

Circuit World

ISSN: 0305-6120

Article publication date: 1 September 2001




Coultard, F. (2001), "PCIF and the future", Circuit World, Vol. 27 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/cw.2001.21727caf.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2001, MCB UP Limited

PCIF and the future

PCIF and the future

Keywords: PCIF, ICT

What is an Institute? According to the Chamber's Encyclopaedic English Dictionary an Institute is a society or organisation which promotes research, education or a particular cause.

In the past the ICT was meaningfully linked with highly successful and popular training courses set up and run by the energetic and well-meaning Pat Kirby. At the moment the Institute provides a useful focus for technologists in our industry at the various seminars and Annual Symposium held each year. The qualifications awarded are largely a reflection of the opinions of the industry about a particular person's worth and contribution; therefore they are treasured and valuable. However, despite all that positive side I cannot help thinking that there should be more to it. A certain amount of education is included in the seminars but there should be a greater focus on this aspect and encouragement for research is not evident in any obvious way. Maybe a joining of programmes between the excellent Northern UK Group and the ICT could be considered; there is a definite need for training across the country. There is no dearth of ability in providing course material. Think on.

The prestigious Circuit World publication is globally renowned and strongly linked with both the PCIF and the ICT; more should be made of this. It is a happy coincidence that the newly appointed editor of the Circuit World is Dr Martin Goosey, the Chief Scientist of Shipley Europe Ltd and also the Chairman of the vigorous and highly effective Environmental Working Group of the PCIF. Martin is robustly gathering in talent from all quarters to bolster Circuit World with a wide selection of papers and other contributions. The ICT should take advantage from this link. Steve Payne, who has recently grabbed the reins of the Chairmanship of the ICT, has already made his mark and will be relying on support from many people in the industry, ably backed by the ICT Council whose numbers are swelling with new members.

The ADE is a similar body to the ICT. It was created in January 1999 to represent the design engineers in our industry because they had nowhere to "hang their hat". Yet there is an energetic move to establish formal qualifications for this group from entry level at HNC, through degree level and even to MSc. This will provide the employers and the employees with a measured and definable approach to employment and job positioning. Status will be assured and the profession recognised and augmented. Perhaps the ICT should be considering a similar move to break out of the mould?

On another note, the cooperation between the FEI and the PCIF continues apace. The FEI, it has to be said, have gone out of their way to make the PCIF staff feel welcome and have at every opportunity enabled them to be updated, introduced to relevant people and programmes and generally been very helpful; several birthday pub visits have been a good way of getting to know each other too! There is much common ground for the future and in the meantime sensible consolidation of certain activities is proceeding with enthusiasm. The PCIF staff are conscious that they have to demonstrate early on that there are positive deliverables to be gained from this merger. The new programme for PCIF members for 2001, which is gradually unravelling and providing something to interest all groups, will demonstrate these benefits.

Frank CoultardPCIF

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