Wales - Staff are key to the future of the NHS – health minister launches new workforce framework

International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance

ISSN: 0952-6862

Article publication date: 31 August 2012




(2012), "Wales - Staff are key to the future of the NHS – health minister launches new workforce framework", International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol. 25 No. 7.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2012, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Wales - Staff are key to the future of the NHS – health minister launches new workforce framework

Article Type: News and views From: International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Volume 25, Issue 7

Keywords: Healthcare strategy in Wales, Health improvement opportunities, Health care staff development, Organisational development in healthcare

“Staff are key to the success of the NHS,” Health Minister, Lesley Griffiths said as she launched “Working Differently – Working Together”, the Workforce and Organisational Development Framework for NHS Wales.

This is the first framework published to support “Together for Health” the Government’s five-year vision for the NHS in Wales, and it focuses on four main objectives:

  • To develop an engaged workforce – including annual appraisals, personal development plans and workforce surveys.

  • To ensure a sustainable and skilled workforce with staff as ambassadors, championing healthy choices.

  • To redesign the workforce to support a sustainable NHS – actively involving staff in planning future services.

  • To focus on quality and safety within challenging financial times – and to ensure improvements are integrated into everyday working.

Ms Griffiths launched the framework at the spring meeting of the British Geriatrics Society in Llandudno, and added:

“I want NHS staff to ensure that every encounter with a patient is a health improvement opportunity, not just about treating sickness. I also want staff to take responsibility for their own health and well being and champion healthy choices. They are our ambassadors.

“Just over 83,000 people are employed by the NHS in Wales and 80 per cent of this workforce will still be working for the NHS in ten years’ time. It is crucial therefore, all staff have the training they need to deliver twenty-first century healthcare. Committed and engaged staff are vital to improving services and this means equipping them with the skills to succeed.”

“This framework sets out how redesigned NHS services will require staff with different skill mixes, delivering extended services during weekends and evenings, as well as the development of joint roles with social care providers.

“Whilst this framework outlines clear intentions, NHS organisations will develop specific plans locally, which will be measured against the outcome measures in the framework.”

Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist Kylie Crook is an example of how staff development is key to improving services. Kylie is also Project Lead for the Royal Gwent Hospital’s Acute Stroke Intelligence Targets, working on the Stroke Improvement Programme. She is part of a team that has worked to improve stroke services in Aneurin Bevan Health Board, benchmarking services against national targets.

“As well as my nursing experience and management training, I’ve had lots of support and guidance from NLIAH, the National Leadership and Innovation Agency for Healthcare. They have run learning sessions on the Stroke Improvement Programme for project leads from each Health Board.

“These have focused on managing change, looking at the data on current stroke provision, and using proven healthcare management methodology to improve stroke care. I feel they have helped equip me with more tools to drive forward improvements to the service.”

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