Journal of Managerial Psychology: Volume 28 Issue 5


Table of contents

The symbiotic relation between organizations and society

Dianna L. Stone, Julio C. Canedo, Shay Tzafrir

The purpose of this paper is to: consider the extent to which recent research in industrial and organizational (I&O) psychology has examined the symbiotic relations between…


Leadership‐motivated excellence theory: an extension of LMX

George B. Graen, William A. Schiemann

The purpose of this paper is to review and extend leader‐member‐exchange theory (LMX). It also describes the new “Leadership‐Motivated Excellence Theory” (LMX‐T), and its…


Second hand smoke: ambient racial harassment at work

Donna Chrobot‐Mason, Belle Rose Ragins, Frank Linnehan

Like “second hand smoke,” the harmful repercussions of racial harassment may extend well beyond the target to impact others at work. This study seeks to examine the “second hand…


Responses to co‐workers receiving recognition at work

Marjolein Feys, Frederik Anseel, Bart Wille

The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of co‐workers receiving recognition on two types of responses, namely emotions (positive and negative) and behavioral intentions…


Performance and turnover intentions: a social exchange perspective

Michal Biron, Corine Boon

Prior research has yielded mixed results regarding the relationship between performance and turnover intentions. Drawing from social exchange theory, the purpose of this paper is…


The Munster Work Value Measure

Stefan Krumm, Anna Grube, Guido Hertel

Established measures of work values were often developed without consideration of age‐related differences, and thus might not be sensitive for values that are only relevant for…


Gender typing in stereotypes and evaluations of actual managers

Hanna Li Kusterer, Torun Lindholm, Henry Montgomery

The purpose of this paper is to examine gender‐related management stereotypes, perceived gender bias and evaluations of actual managers, and to directly compare stereotypes and…

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  • Professor Carrie Bulger