International Journal of Social Economics: Volume 38 Issue 8


Table of contents

Fisher skills and compliance with effort‐limiting fishing regulations in a developing country: The case of Ghana

Wisdom Akpalu

The formal model of economics of crime developed by Becker is based on the assumption that a miscreant knows with certainty the benefit that accrues to a criminal activity. The…


Women and the press in British India, 1928‐1934: a window for protest?

Jane Chapman, Kate Allison

The aim of this paper is to understand how, in tough economic times, British‐owned, English language newspapers such as The Pioneer received and filtered news, especially…

Is child work a deterrent to school attendance and school attainment?: Evidence from Bangladesh

Rasheda Khanam, Russell Ross

The aim of this paper is to examine the linkages between child work and both school attendance and school attainment of children aged 5‐17 years using data from a survey based in…


The ethical foundations of economics in ancient Greece, focussing on Socrates and Xenophon

James E. Alvey

Economics had a strong linkage to ethics up to the 1930s but this has virtually disappeared today. Amartya Sen first sketched the historical relationship in his book On Ethics &


A comparative analysis of the Chinese and South African work ethic

Andre Slabbert, Wilfred I. Ukpere

South Africa is a developing country, and within this context, it is essential to be economically competitive and proactive. Various sources reveal that the national productivity…

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  • Professor Terence Garrett