Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal: Volume 5 Issue 3


Table of contents - Special Issue: Gender and accounting

M[othering] View on “Notes towards Feminist Theories of Accounting: A View from Literary Studies”

Keith Hoskin

Feminism offers new ways of seeing accounting both as practice andtheory. However, just as accounting has increasingly recognized that itstheoretical base and its everyday…

How Innocent Is Innocent Enough? The Relief Provisions of Section 6013(e)

Wanda James

Married couples who elect to file a joint US federal income taxreturn may possibly benefit from a lowered combined tax burden, but eachspouse individually assumes the obligation…

The Non and Nom of Accounting for (M)other Nature

Christine Cooper

Uses the work of various women writers but most importantly thewriting of Hélène Cixous, to question accounting′srole in society. Contends that accounting is masculine in thesense…


M[othering] View on: “Some Feminisms and Their Implications for Accounting Practice”

Christine Cooper

Critiques article by Hammond and Oakes (1992). Emphasizes politicalimportance of discussion of feminist empiricism for accountancypractitioners of both sexes.

Notes towards Feminist Theories of Accounting: A View from Literary Studies

David Chioni Moore

Explores possibilities for an expanded critical feminist accountingin the context of feminist theory as developed in the important feministliterary criticism literature of the…

Some Feminisms and Their Implications for Accounting Practice

Theresa Hammond, Leslie S. Oakes

Uses Harding′s 1986 book. The Science Question in Feminism,as a framework for examining the implications of some feminisms foraccounting. First explores feminist empiricism which…


M[othering] View on: “The Construction of Gender: Some Insights from Feminist Psychology”

Penny Ciancanelli

The claim that gender is an authority relationship is an advance onthe widely held view that psychologically at least gender is anattribute, part of someone′s character. However…

The Construction of Gender: Some Insights from Feminist Psychology

Mary Jeanne Welsh

Presents a review of the psychological contructions of gender andconsiders the implications of gender construction on gender research inaccounting. Constructions of gender contain…


M[othering] View on: “The Non and Nom of Accounting for (M)other Nature”

Sonja Gallhofer

Aims to evaluate critically the potential insights of the work ofHélène Cixous and related feminist writers for theanalysis of accounting, including environmental and green…

M[othering] View on: “How Innocent Is Innocent Enough? The Relief Provisions of Section 6013(e)”

Tony Tinker

Analyses article by James (1992). Suggests apparently hostile termjudgements on women hide moral judgements. Questions ideologies ofneutrality and independence in accounting.

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  • Prof James Guthrie
  • Prof Lee Parker