International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance: Volume 11 Issue 4

Addressing the issues of management and quality


Table of contents

Process analysis in general practice ‐ a new perspective?

Ruth J. Boaden, Judy M. Zolkiewski

This paper reports the initial findings from a study of the application of process analysis into a general practice. It discusses the issues surrounding the relationships between…


Block appointments in an overloaded South African health centre: quantitative and qualitative evaluation

Hassan Mahomed, Max O. Bachmann

Long waiting times are a serious problem for patients using urban health centres in developing countries. A block appointment system was introduced and evaluated in a large South…


Comparing public and private hospital care service quality

David Camilleri, Mark O’Callaghan

The study applies the principles behind the SERVQUAL model and uses Donabedian’s framework to compare and contrast Malta’s public and private hospital care service quality…


Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust: our approach to performance management

Stephen J. Mittler

Southampton University Hospitals Trust has developed a performance management strategy which is improving service quality, overcoming interdepartmental blockages and delivering…


Accountability and quality in managed care: implications for health care practitioners

Aram Dobalian, Patrick Asubonteng Rivers

The development of managed care plans is the most dramatic change in the USA’s health care system in recent decades. Despite the widespread growth, society is increasingly…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Professor Charu Chandra
  • Professor Sameer Kumar