European Business Review: Volume 13 Issue 1


Table of contents

Barriers to women’s participation in international management

Margaret Linehan, Hugh Scullion, James S. Walsh

From the extant research in international human resource management it is evident that women are not progressing to senior international management positions at comparable rates…


Trading in post‐crisis Russia: customizing payment options to facilitate trade

Olga Orlova, Russell Williams

Finnish‐Russian trade has declined to 7‐8 per cent of Finland’s exports by volume. In spite of this decline, and the most recent Russian crisis (August 1998), the Russian market…


Implications of Grameen banking system in Europe: prospects and prosperity

Mostaque Hussain, Kooros Maskooki, A. Gunasekaran

The philosophy of Grameen (rural) banking system was invented by a maverick economist (Dr Yunus) in a tiny village of Bangladesh in 1976, with the aim to eliminate poverty and…


Purchasing in the UK and Switzerland: an empirical study of sourcing decisions

Michael Quayle

The recent attention to purchasing decisions in a variety of commercial and government contexts has grown much faster than detailed understanding of how sourcing decisions are…


Accelerating the development of the European information economy: the European Commission’s eEurope initiative

Colin Turner

The eEurope programme is the latest in a long line of initiatives that seek to accelerate the development of the European information economy. The core objective is to bring as…

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  • Prof Goran Svensson