International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management: Volume 41 Issue 6


Table of contents

Factors influencing consumer behaviour towards store brands: evidence from the French market

Mbaye Fall Diallo, Jean‐Louis Chandon, Gérard Cliquet, Jean Philippe

This paper aims to investigate how consumer and image factors as well as store familiarity influence store brand (SB) purchase behaviour. SBs are now widely offered by European…


Customer responses to waits for online banking service delivery

Nathalie T.M. Demoulin, Souad Djelassi

This study aims to examine the effect of situational factors, related to transactions and waiting, on customers' cognitive and affective responses to service delivery time…


Utilising product knowledge: Competitive advantage for specialist independent grocery retailers

Donna McGuinness, Karise Hutchinson

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how product knowledge is utilised by specialist independent grocery retailers (SIGRs) and how it can enhance competitive advantage for…


Identifying seasonal variations in store‐level visitor grocery demand

Andy Newing, Graham Clarke, Martin Clarke

The purpose of this paper is to understand the contribution of visitor demand to the seasonal sales variations experienced at grocery retailers in Cornwall, South West England.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Prof Neil Towers