Journal of Product & Brand Management: Volume 25 Issue 1


Table of contents

Value slippage in brand transformation: a conceptualization

Bernard Cova , Bernard Paranque

– The purpose of this paper is to explore brand transformation and the value slippage that can ensue.


Brand hate

Lia Zarantonello, Simona Romani, Silvia Grappi, Richard P. Bagozzi

– This study aims to investigate the nature of brand hate, its antecedents and its outcomes.


The brand core and its management over time

Mats Urde

The purpose of this paper is to explore the brand core and its management over time. The aim is to develop a framework for managing the core of a brand for continuity and change…


Mapping the domain of the fragmented field of internal branding

Fathima Zahara Saleem, Oriol Iglesias

The purpose of this paper is to build a comprehensive conceptual framework of internal branding, to demarcate this field from employer branding and to develop an updated…


Brand trust: a cross-national validation in Germany, India, and South Africa

Sabrina M. Hegner, Colin Jevons

Numerous studies have established the importance of brand trust for building long-term relationships with consumers. Nevertheless, there is confusion in the literature about how…


Brands, love and family

Pramod P. Iyer, Audhesh K Paswan, Arezoo Davari

– The purpose of this study is to explore the extent to which love cues are used by brands targeted at multiple decision-makers in a family, specifically the mother and child.


The child–brand relationship: social interactions matter

Angélique Rodhain, Philippe Aurier

– The purpose of this paper is to study the child–brand relationship dynamic in interaction with the relationships children develop with their family, peers and teacher.


Does social currency matter in creation of enhanced brand experience?

Sabrina Trudeau H., Saeed Shobeiri

This study aims to demonstrate the importance of the newly developed concept of social currency as an antecedent of brand experience in the context of cosmetics consumption. In…

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  • Dr Cleopatra Veloutsou