Internet Research: Volume 9 Issue 3


Table of contents

The Internet as a “virtual cultural region”: are extant cultural classification schemes appropriate?

Kevin Johnston, Parminder Johal

This paper examines the concept of the Internet as a virtual cultural region with its own demographics and psychographics. Longitudinal studies of the changing make up of Internet…


Perceptions of the Internet: what people think when they search the Internet for information

Harry Bruce

The study described in this article aimed to gather insights into what people think when they search the Internet for information. The premise is that people relate to information…


Webmasters as mass media gatekeepers: a qualitative exploratory study

Fred Beard, Rolf L. Olsen

Eight college and university Webmasters in three midwestern states were interviewed to explore their communications practices and activities by applying a traditional mass media…


Enhancing the quality of low bit‐rate real‐time Internet communication services

Schubert Foo Siu Cheung Hui, See Wai Yip

The Internet environment, with its packet‐switched network and lack of resource reservation mechanisms, has made the delivery of low bit‐rate real‐time communication services…

Educational superhighways ‐ in the public or private interest?

Neil Selwyn

Considers the world‐wide emergence of “educational superhighway” policies: government programmes aiming to connect school systems to the Internet ‐ and explores their relevance to…


The knowledge continuum ‐ organizing for research and scholarly communication

Paul Vassallo

The Office of Information Services (OIS) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is undergoing a major organizational transition to function as a cohesive…

Cover of Internet Research



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Christy Cheung