Online Information Review: Volume 36 Issue 6


Table of contents

“I played games as there was nothing else to do”: Understanding motivations for using mobile content sharing games

Dion Hoe‐Lian Goh, Chei Sian Lee, Guanghao Low

Applications blending games with mobile content sharing have garnered much interest recently. In this paper, the authors aim to examine users' motivations for seeking and creating…


OGIR: an ontology‐based grid information retrieval framework

Chihli Hung, Chih‐Fong Tsai, Shin‐Yuan Hung, Chang‐Jiang Ku

A grid information retrieval model has benefits for sharing resources and processing mass information, but cannot handle conceptual heterogeneity without integration of semantic…

WikiLeaks comments: a study of responses to articles

Noa Aharony

The study aims to explore WikiLeaks' worldwide impact amongst readers of three online newspapers, as expressed through reader comments. There are three primary research questions…

Factors required for mobile search going mainstream

José Luis Gómez‐Barroso, Margherita Bacigalupo, Stavri G. Nikolov, Ramón Compañó, Claudio Feijóo

This article aims to review the technological and socio‐economic conditions which will influence the development of the mobile search market.


Sentiment analysis of online news text: a case study of appraisal theory

Christopher Soo‐Guan Khoo, Armineh Nourbakhsh, Jin‐Cheon Na

Sentiment analysis and emotion processing are attracting increasing interest in many fields. Computer and information scientists are developing automated methods for sentiment…


Generalising user behaviour in online travel sites through the Travel 2.0 website acceptance model

Francisco Muñoz‐Leiva, Janet Hernández‐Méndez, Juan Sánchez‐Fernández

The purpose of this paper is to analyse tourist behaviour with regard to the new Web 2.0‐based sites, or Travel 2.0 websites. Concretely, it seeks to generalise the underlying…


Online recruitment information as an indicator to appraise enterprise performance

Bo Wang, Xiaojun Guo

Fraudulent financial statements and the manipulation of stock prices can seriously affect investors' judgment of company performance, especially in stock markets in emerging…


Full text coverage of marketing journals in databases

Péter Jacsó

The increasing availability of digital editions of journals, and/or the incorporation of the full‐text versions of their papers in the largest aggregator databases, have been the…

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  • Professor Eugenia Siapera