Organization Management Journal : Volume 17 Issue 1 , Open Access


Table of contents

How face threat sensitivity affects proactive negotiation behavior

Edward W. Miles, Jeff Schatten, Elizabeth Chapman

Face threat sensitivity (FTS) has been found to influence objective negotiated outcomes when the threat to face is activated. The purpose of this study is to extend that research…


Social network influences on employee responses to organizational withdrawals

Frank Siedlok, Paul Hibbert, Fiona Whitehurst

The purpose of this paper is to develop a more detailed understanding of how embedding in different social networks relates to different types of action that individuals choose in…


In spite of technology: a failure in student project ownership

Pauline Stamp, Theodore Peters, Andrew Gorycki

Students often complain about doing group work, which may lead them to be less engaged as a group and to seek shortcuts in developing their presentations. The purpose of his essay…


Do you pass it on? An examination of the consequences of perceived cyber incivility

Kimberly McCarthy, Jone L. Pearce, John Morton, Sarah Lyon

The emerging literature on computer-mediated communication at the study lacks depth in terms of elucidating the consequences of the effects of incivility on employees. This study…