The Electronic Library: Volume 36 Issue 6
Digital information organization and use
Table of contents
Executable platform for managing customizable metadata of educational resources
Amel Abdyssalam Alhaag, Goran Savic, Gordana Milosavljevic, Milan Tima Segedinac, Milorad FilipovicThe purpose of this research is to enable dynamic customization of metadata that describes educational resources in digital repositories.
Mapping worldwide research on the Internet of Things during 2011-2016
Mohammadamin Erfanmanesh, A. AbrizahThe Internet of Things (IoT) has attracted wide attention from researchers to address the potential of this technology in various industries recently. This study aims to…
Managing mining project documentation using human language technology
Aleksandra Tomašević, Ranka Stanković, Miloš Utvić, Ivan Obradović, Božo KolonjaThis paper aims to develop a system, which would enable efficient management and exploitation of documentation in electronic form, related to mining projects, with information…
Considering online consumer reviews to predict movie box-office performance between the years 2009 and 2014 in the US
Ya-Han Hu, Wen-Ming Shiau, Sheng-Pao Shih, Cho-Ju ChenThe purpose of this paper is to combine basic movie information factors, external factors and review factors, to predict box-office performance and identify the most crucial…
Predicting readers’ domain knowledge based on eye-tracking measures
Quan Lu, Jiyue Zhang, Jing Chen, Ji LiThis paper aims to examine the effect of domain knowledge on eye-tracking measures and predict readers’ domain knowledge from these measures in a navigational table of contents…
DRAA e-resources usage statistics services in China: research and practice
Lan Ye, Wei Yang, Weiming LinThis paper aims to share some experiences and practical activities related to the use and management of usage data in the Digital Resource Acquisition Alliance of Chinese Academic…
Evaluation of the accessibility of archival cartographic documents in digital libraries
Marta Kuzma, Albina MoscickaThis paper aims to present the authors’ attempts to evaluate the access to archival maps available in digital libraries. Its aim was to pinpoint the factors determining the…
Online digital library sampling based on query related graph
Wei Liu, Jing SuDigital library sampling is used to obtain a collection of random literature records from the backend database, which is a crucial issue for a variety of important purposes in…
Case studies and comparison between two models for assessing library service quality
Qingkui Xi, Heng Zhao, Yitao Hu, Yunjuan Tong, Ping BaoThis study aims to describe case studies of two models, LibQUAL+ and a model based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), used to assess library service quality and compare the…
A service-oriented context-awareness reasoning framework and its implementation
Xiufeng Cheng, Jinqing Yang, Lixin XiaThis paper aims to propose an extensible, service-oriented framework for context-aware data acquisition, description, interpretation and reasoning, which facilitates the…
A Chinese legal intelligent auxiliary discretionary adviser based on GA-BP NNs
Ni Zhang, Yi-fei Pu, Suiquan Yang, Jinkang Gao, Zhu Wang, Ji-liu ZhouThis paper aims to build a legal intelligent auxiliary discretionary system for predicting the penalty and damage compensation values. After extensively considering current the…
An approach for the protection of users’ book browsing preference privacy in a digital library
Zongda Wu, Chengren Zheng, Jian Xiejian, Zhifeng Zhou, Guandong Xu, Enhong ChenThe problem of privacy protection in digital libraries is causing people to have increasingly extensive concerns. This study aims to design an approach to protect the preference…

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1983Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Prof. Jeonghyun Kim
- Assistant Prof Haihua Chen
- Ms Marie Bloechle