Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies: Volume 25 Issue 1 , Open Access
Table of contents
Nonlinear effects of fiscal policy on national saving: Empirical evidence from emerging Asian economies
Duy-Tung BuiThe purpose of this paper is to examine the impacts of fiscal policy, namely, net tax and government expenditure on national saving and its nonlinearity. The author first…
The impacts of public investment on private investment and economic growth: Evidence from Vietnam
Canh Thi Nguyen, Lua Thi TrinhThe purpose of this paper is to assess both short and long-term influences of public investment on economic growth and test the hypothesis that whether public investment promotes…
Performance implication of market orientation and use of management accounting systems: The moderating role of accountants’ participation in strategic decision making
Nguyen Phong NguyenDrawing upon the resource-based view and the contingency theory, the purpose of this paper is to build and test a framework of: the interaction between market orientation (MO) and…
The effectiveness of fiscal policy: contributions from institutions and external debts
Nguyen Phuc CanhThe effectiveness of fiscal policy is an interesting field in literature of macroeconomics. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of fiscal policy on economic…
Differences in corporate social responsibility disclosure between Japan and the USA
Hien TranThe purpose of this paper is to examine how and why disclosure of corporate social responsibility (CSR) information was influenced by independent directors in Japan and the USA.
Financial derivatives use and multifaceted exposures: Evidence from East Asian non-financial firms
Kim Huong TrangThe purpose of this paper is to assess the effect of financial derivatives use on different exposures by comparing domestic firms, domestic multinational corporations (MNCs) and…
Does information asymmetry lead to higher debt financing? Evidence from China during the NTS Reform period
Wenzhou Qu, Udomsak Wongchoti, Fei Wu, Yanming ChenThe purpose of this paper is to test an implication of the pecking order theory to explain capital structure decisions among Chinese listed companies during the 2005-2007 NTS…
Uncertainty, agency costs and investment behavior in the Euro area and in the USA
Johannes Strobel, Kevin D. Salyer, Gabriel S. LeeThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the credit channel effects on investment behavior for the US and the Euro area.
The short and long run effects of debt reduction: Evidence from debt relief under the enhanced HIPC and MDR initiatives
Kelsey Gamel, Pham Hoang VanThe purpose of this paper is to estimate benefits to debt reduction by using the natural experiment provided by the debt relief programs: the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries…
Duality of knowledge, singularity of method: The case of econophysics and J.S. Mill’s notion of emergence
Christophe Schinckus, Cinla AkdereHow a micro-founded discipline such as economics could deal with the increasing global economic reality? This question has been asked frequently since the last economic crisis…

2515-964XOnline date, start – end:
2018Journal’s owner:
University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City(opens new window)Open Access:
open accessEditors:
- Nguyen Trong Hoai
- Toan Luu Duc Huynh