Journal for Multicultural Education: Volume 12 Issue 2

Table of contents - Special Issue: International perspectives of black male teachers, teacher and school leaders

Guest Editors: Julius L. Davis, Ivory Toldson, Chance W. Lewis

“Playing school”: Creating possibilities to inspire future Black male teachers through culturally relevant play

Nathaniel Bryan, Christopher C. Jett

Much of the extant research literature on the initiatives to attract, inspire and recruit Black males to the teaching profession has focused on middle and high school students…


Black male student teachers: tomorrow’s teachers?

Uvanney Maylor

This paper aims to understand the preparation that a group of black male pre-service students received during their course and its impact on their willingness to commit to…


Exploring the transition experiences of one black male refugee pre-service teacher at a HBCU

Ramon B. Goings, Travis J. Bristol, Larry J. Walker

There is limited discussion in the teacher education literature about the experiences of pre-service black male teachers generally and the ethnic diversity among black male…


Teaching our kids: Unpacking an African-American mathematics teacher’s understanding of mathematics identity

Toya Jones Frank

This study aims to highlight the perspectives of one black male middle-school mathematics teacher, Chris Andrews, about developing black students’ positive mathematics identities…


An examination of three Black African male mathematics teachers’ teacher preparation and teaching experiences in Africa and the USA

Julius L. Davis

There is very little research of Black male mathematics teachers from African countries teaching in the USA, specifically, their preparation and teaching experiences. The purpose…


The experiences of three black African male mathematics teachers in a same race and gender peer mentoring program

Daman L. Harris, Julius L. Davis

The purpose of this study is to examine three black African male mathematics teachers’ preparation, teaching experiences, why they chose to become teachers in a diverse school…


Black leaders matter: Agency, progression and the sustainability of BME school leadership in England

Paul Miller, Christine Callender

The purpose of this study is to evaluate factors that contribute to black male school leaders’ career progression and sustenance within the teaching profession. This, because the…

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  • Sherry Deckman