RAUSP Management Journal: Volume 53 Issue 4 , Open Access


Table of contents

Organizational culture and sustainability in Brazilian electricity companies

Darticléia Almeida Sampaio da Rocha Soares, Eduardo Camargo Oliva, Edson Keyso de Miranda Kubo, Virginia Parente, Karen Talita Tanaka

This paper aims to assess the relationship between cultural profiles and the economic, environmental and social dimensions of electricity companies’ reporting based on the Global…


From intention to entrepreneurial action: Assessing the impact of the barriers on the creation of new organizations

António Oliveira, Orlando Lima Rua

This paper aims to contribute to the explanatory debate of the entrepreneurial intention-action gap that results from the interposition of normative-regulatory, sociocultural and…


Street food: factors influencing perception of product quality

Rogerio Scabim Morano, Alcides Barrichello, Rafael Ricardo Jacomossi, Jorge Ramon D’Acosta-Rivera

The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether the perceptions of cleanliness and organization of the point of sale, hygiene and training of those who serve the public (service…


Marketing internationalization: influence factors on product customization decision

Ailton Conde Jussani, Eduardo Pinheiro Gondim de Vasconcellos, James Terence Coulter Wright, Celso Cláudio de Hildebrand e Grisi

Studies about product customization decision are especially relevant for organizations that decide opening a subsidiary overseas. This scenario requires the company to decide…


CEOs’ extensive term of office inhibits discretionary accruals

Cristian Baú Dal Magro, Roberto Carlos Klann, Vanessa Edy Dagnoni Mondini

CEOs’ (chief executive officer) term of office may explain discretionary accruals as a result of opportunistic behavior arising during certain periods of the term of office…

Open-book accounting and trust: influence on buyer-supplier relationship

Lara Cristina Francisco de Almeida Fehr, Welington Rocha

This paper aims to discuss the role of open-book accounting (OBA) and trust on buyer–supplier relationship satisfaction. The objective of this paper is to analyze how OBA and…


The soft side of environmentally-sustainable organizations

Charbel Jose Chiapetta Jabbour, Douglas William Scott Renwick

The purpose of the paper is to present a discussion on the “soft and human” side of building environmentally sustainable organizations, a flourishing management subfield called…