Team Performance Management: Volume 24 Issue 7/8


An International Journal
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Table of contents - Special Issue: Team Learning and Resilience

Guest Editors: Marjolein C.J. Caniëls, Jeroen P. de Jong

Generating team PsyCap through transformational leadership: A route to team learning and performance

Teresa Rebelo, Isabel Dórdio Dimas, Paulo Renato Lourenço, Ângela Palácio

The purpose of this paper was to contribute to a deeper understanding of the effects of transformational leadership on team performance, examining the role of team psychological…


Learning not to underestimate: Understanding the dynamics of women’s underestimation in groups

Nicoleta Meslec, Ishani Aggarwal

The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, it aims to isolate a new mechanism (i.e. underestimation judgments) through which gender (percentage of women in a group in…


Clear as a bell: The influence of analogies on the development of cross-understanding in design teams

Daniel Graff, Mark A. Clark

This study reviews the construct of analogy as an individual communication mode, examining its relationship with cross-understanding in knowledge-diverse teams. The authors…


A systematic investigation of absorptive capacity and external information search in groups: Implications for group cognition

Petru Lucian Curseu, Helen Pluut

This paper aims to test the influence of external information search (EIS) on knowledge elaboration and group cognitive complexity (GCC) under the moderating effect of absorptive…

Open Access.

Mindful infrastructure as antecedent of innovation resilience behaviour of project teams: Learning from HROs

Peter R.A. Oeij, Tinka Van Vuuren, Steven Dhondt, Jeff Gaspersz, Ernest M.M. De Vroome

The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether insights into high reliability organizations (HROs) are useful for innovation management teams. HRO teams can keep failure to a…

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  • Associate Professor Sjir Uitdewilligen