International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 21 Issue 1/2


Table of contents

From bottom to top in higher education: women’s experiences and visions in different parts of the world – a summary

Birgit Blättel‐Mink

Presents a summary of information taken from the second conference on gender equality in higher education at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, September 2000. Outlines the…


Women in higher education in Europe – a statistical overview

Anina Mischau

Focuses on questions such as “what does the situation of women at universities look like in Europe?” and “What does inequality mean today?” Continues by asking how has the…


To the top in higher education: the case of the Netherlands

Ilja Mottier

Looks at the position of women in the Netherlands. Considers the opportunity of women to participate in the labour market before concentrating on the Dutch education system from a…


Gender inequality at the University of Athens

Voula Lambropoulou

States that whilst more women are admitted to Greek universities than men and generally achieve higher grades, very few women are promoted to the highest academic ranks. Suggests…


Some remarks on gender equality in higher education in Switzerland

Béatrice Ziegler

States that Switzerland is still far from gender‐equality at university. Highlights that it is only recently that the Federal government has set the goal of doubling the…


Women in academe: the Israeli case

Nina Toren

Cites women in academic science as an interesting case study to examine the effects of gender on work and career attainment. Suggests that inequality should be less pronounced in…


The reconstruction of society’s gender culture through higher education in Armenia

Sofia Babayan

Outlines the transformation process in Armenia during the last decade with respect to gender issues. Covers, in turn, political and economic reforms before looking at the…


Lithuanian women in the education system

Dalia Cymbaliuk

Cites education as a sphere of tremendous achievement for Lithuanian women with 58.6 per cent of university and 70 per cent of high school graduates being female. Portrays the…


Participation of East Asian women in higher education with particular emphasis on science based fields

Erik W. Thulstrup, Jajah Koswara

States that science and technology skills are the key to knowledge based, sustainable economic development, but the production of graduates is insufficient in many countries both…


Women’s experiences and visions in Nigeria’s education system

Stella B. Williams

Outlines the background of Nigeria, politically, citing particularly the British influence on the education system. Offers a framework that traces the historical background of…


Ethiopia: from bottom to top in higher education – gender role problems

Yelfign Worku

Discusses the cultural differences which begin from birth in Ethiopia. Cites modern education as a new phenomenon stating that female education lags behind its counterpart. Shows…


Gender in the Australian higher education system

Eleanor Ramsay

States that the situation of women in higher education in Australia is remarkably better than in other Western countries such as the USA. Gives a statistical overview from…


Women in higher education in the United States: I. has there been progress?

Karen Dugger

Discusses the changing organization of higher education in the USA as the universities cope with mass education for all and provides statistics for the female population and their…


Women in higher education in the United States: II statistics

Karen Dugger

Provides a statistical overview of vertical and horizontal in equality on gender relations in higher education in the USA. States that though the female share of presidents…


Gender, higher education, and social development in Mexico

Covadonga Cuétara

Presents the current scenario of higher education in relation to gender differences in Mexico. Provides some demographic and social data to serve as context. Gives comparison…


“Gendered” styles of writing and the “inequality in assessment” hypothesis: an explanation for gender differentiation in first class academic achievement at university

Sarah Earl‐Novell

Focuses on the relative underachievement of First Class degrees by women in the UK compared to men. Cites problem areas as history, sociology, and english. Attempts to test a…

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  • Prof Colin Williams