International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy: Volume 33 Issue 11/12


Table of contents

Are more equal societies the most cohesive?

Daniel Sage

In recent decades, research across the social sciences has linked higher income inequality to poorer health and social outcomes in advanced market democracies. According to…

Financial inclusion and social financialisation: Britain in a European context

Stephen Sinclair

The article aims to discuss findings from a knowledge exchange review of financial inclusion in Britain and compare these to key features of financial exclusion evident from…


Labour migration and informalisation: East meets West

Branka Likic-Brboric, Zoran Slavnic, Charles Woolfson

Against a theoretical discussion of informalisation, the purpose of this paper is to trace wider commonalities and migratory interconnections that are leading to informalised or…


Undocumented childhood immigrants, the Dream Act and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals in the USA

Carol L. Schmid

The purpose of this article is to critically examine two possible solutions to the lack of citizenship rights of children who lack documentation. Many industrialized countries…


Government versus private primary schools in India: An assessment of physical infrastructure, schooling costs and performance

Jitendra Gouda, Kailash Chandra Das, Srinivas Goli, Ladumai Maikho Apollo Pou

This paper is an effort to identify the difference between government and private primary schools in terms of physical infrastructure, schooling costs and student's performance…


“New capitalism”, colonisation and the neo-philanthropic turn in social policy: Applying Luhmann's systems theory to the Big Society project

John Jackson Rodger

Drawing on the functional structural systems theory of Niklas Luhmann and the theory of colonisation of the social lifeworld advanced by Jurgen Habermas, it is argued that the Big…

Animating “bottom-up” sustainable strategies in village settings

Ivan Annibal, Joyce Liddle, Gerard McElwee

The key purpose of the paper is to consider the challenges facing local authorities in supporting sustainable rural settlements in their efforts to be enterprising and sustainable…


Risk factors for suicide among rural men: are farmers more socially isolated?

Samara McPhedran, Diego De Leo

International evidence demonstrates elevated suicide rates among farming occupations, relative to other occupations. A psychosocial factor commonly argued to contribute to farmer…

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  • Prof Colin Williams