Strategic Direction: Volume 20 Issue 7


Table of contents

Microsoft faces up to the ethical challenge: Good corporate practice commandeering the spotlight

A series of CEO shake‐ups, re‐stated earnings and rising numbers of so‐called “trust violations” have all recently drawn attention to the ugly side of the business world which …


Nissan enjoys life in the fast lane : Flexibility the key to staying ahead of the pack

In the fairytale Peter Pan, the Lost Boys are quite content to skip merrily along behind their leader. The extent of their ambition is to emulate him. At Nissan, a somewhat…


Starbucks – taking on the world: Can the coffee retailer join the all‐time greats?

For the brands that have managed to achieve worldwide fame and recognition, their prosperity has sewn them into popular culture and helped fashion them into icons of their time…


Innovation at GlaxoSmithKline: is it the safest way?: How to ensure creativity enhances your business without threatening the bottom line

Creativity, so business theorists say, is a firm’s most valuable asset. We’ve all heard the mantras: “ideas are the future!” “innovate or die!” Getting the message is easy enough…


Out with the old Best Buy: New practices bring remarkable transformation

For much of the 1990s, Best Buy was best by name but not by nature. The company flouted established business conventions and adopted a cavalier approach in its quest to become the…


How Vodafone is wired for growth: Technology’s bewildering advance

Anyone seeking an object lesson in the uncertainties of the business world needs to look no further than the telecommunications industry. Wireless communications increased…


Mergers – the Cisco system: Secrets of US computer giant’s success

Mergers and acquisitions are an established feature of business life. They enable companies to increase market share through product or service synergies or to expand into new…


Fast‐food chain faces new challenges: Jack still has plenty to smile about

There’s a broad, smiley, grin in the face of “Jack”, the corporate mascot of Jack in the Box (JBX), one of the leading fast‐food restaurant chains in the USA. And why wouldn’t he…

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  • Miss Emma Steele