Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 18 Issue 1


Table of contents

Training in a Second‐language Environment

Mitch O′Toole

Begins with a treatment of some general background issues on the natureand function of language. Maintains that English may be thought of as arange of styles which are used…


Evaluating Training against Business Criteria

Peter Bramley, Barry Kitson

Advocates evaluation based on a framework first published in 1959 byD.L. Kirkpatrick. Argues that, while most training events are evaluatedat the reaction level, and some at the…


The Concept of the Learning Organization

Penny West

Starts from the premiss that, although initiatives such as Investors inPeople and total quality management link with the concept of thelearning organization and attempt to inspire…


Training Needs Assessment Data‐gathering Methods: : Part 1, Survey Questionnaires

Samuel B. McClelland

The first in a series of articles which further explore four trainingneeds assessment (TNA) research and data‐gathering methods: surveyquestionnaires, individual interviews, focus…


Competence‐based Qualifications – A Reply to Bob Mansfield

Jim Stewart, Bob Hamlin

Responds to Bob Mansfield′s critique of the author′s earlier work.Examines the criticisms put forward by Mansfield of the analysis ofcompetence and competence‐based NVQs published…




Online date, start – end:

1977 – 2011

Copyright Holder:

Emerald Publishing Limited