International Journal of Innovation Science
Issue(s) available: 71 – From Volume: 1 Issue: 1, to Volume: 17 Issue: 2

Volume 16
Volume 14
Volume 10
Volume 9
Measuring the impact of financial transparency on corporate innovation: evidence from continental Europe and the UK
Isabelle Lacombe, Salim Chouaibi, Jamel Chouaibi, Anis JarbouiThe purpose of this paper is to explain how financial transparency affect the level of business innovation. The study is based on innovation level in European companies from STOXX…
The role of innovative behavior in the relationship between human capital and knowledge worker productivity
Gerald Joseph Kintu, Will Kaberuka, Samuel Mafabi, James Kagaari, Susan Watundu, Janet Kyogabiirwe BagorozaThe desire to create new knowledge for the survival of businesses has compelled organizations to shift labor demand from manual to knowledge workers. This has raised a need to…
Big data analytics capability and sustainability in company innovation
Zafer Adiguzel, Fatma Sonmez Cakir, Ferhat ÖzbayThe purpose of this study is to examine the importance of big data analytics capability (BDAC), knowledge management (KM), corporate sustainability strategy (CSS) and…
Fostering economic development and sustainability: insights into the role of regulatory quality and e-commerce legislation in future technologies
Abroon QaziThis study aims to examine how specific regulatory indicators – such as regulatory quality, information and communications technology regulatory environment, regulation of…
Freedom fuels innovation: activating personality through trait activation using blessings of goal-setting freedom for intrapreneurial behaviour
Muhammad Zubair AlamThis study aims to evaluate the activation of personality traits (PTs) as a means of explaining the emergence of intrapreneurial behaviour (IB) in engineers, particularly in…
A metaphorical framework for measuring the resilience of innovation ecosystems: a systematic review
Asieh Bakhtiar, Sepehr Ghazinoory, Shohreh Nasri, Abolghasem SarabadaniThe purpose of this paper is to identify the key factors influencing the resilience of innovation ecosystems and propose strategies for proactively managing disruptions to ensure…
Toward comprehensive understanding of m-wallet adoption: the significance of user perceptions and financial autonomy
Imdadullah Hidayat-ur-Rehman, Md. Nahin Hossain, Abul Bashar Bhuiyan, Norhayah ZulkifliRecognizing the transformative impact of financial technology (Fintech) and mobile wallets (m-wallets) on modern financial practices, this study aims to explore the complex…
Conceptual framework of two-generational value creations in family firms
Maryam Vajdi Vahid, Jahangir Yadollahi Farsi, Mehran Rezvani, Kamal SakhdariBusiness model innovation (BMI) is the logic of participating in creating and presenting new value. Value creation in family firms is related to generations. There is little…
Enhancing maritime education for digital sustainability
Hristos KarahaliosDigital sustainability involves the ability of industries and professionals to adapt to rapidly changing technological landscapes. Digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI…
Multinational enterprises’ approach to social innovation: key findings and future research avenues based on the systematic literature review
Meryem Ourhalouch, Muhammad Mohiuddin, Slimane Ed-Dafali, Parmis Katebi, Sina MirzayeSocial innovation (SI) is seen as a cornerstone for addressing the major social and environmental challenges of today’s world.Given that multinational enterprises (MNEs) play a…
How to shape individual innovation competencies? Proposing a tool for the corporate environment
Bruno Anicet Bittencourt, Henrique Scholz Junior, Kadigia Faccin, Denise GenariIn recent years, there have been many discoveries in terms of identifying and measuring innovation competencies (ICs) but not regarding the process of shaping such ICs. This study…
Behavioral reasoning in technological adoption: consumer response to early-stage radical innovations
Anshu Sharma, Aradhana Vikas GandhiDespite a sizeable body of innovation adoption scholarship, innovation failure rates are estimated to be in the range of 40% to 80%. This study aims to better explain the complex…
Effect of top management knowledge value, knowledge-oriented culture and rewards on innovation performance and quality: the bridging contribution of knowledge-sharing process
Nadia A. Abdelmegeed Abdelwahed, Safia Bano, Mohammed A. Al Doghan, Bahadur Ali SoomroCurrently, innovation performance (IP) and innovation quality (IQ) are essential intertwined constructs that help small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) thrive in a…
The evolution of cybersecurity in self-driving cars: insights from bibliometric research
Mário Dias Lousã, Henrique Teixeira, José Carlos Pereira de MoraisThis study aims to investigate the evolution of cybersecurity in autonomous vehicles over the past decade, focusing on influential publications, leading authors, key themes and…
Responsible and sustainable tourism (respo-sustainable tourism): a systematic literature review and future agenda
Neeru Dhama, Kanwal AnilThis study aims to present a systematic literature review of the responsible and sustainable tourism and also to examine the relationship between responsible and sustainable…
Special economic zone incentives, innovation and export performance of firms in Nigeria
John Olatunji Adeoti, Olufemi Adebola Popoola, Joshua Adeyemi AfolabiNigeria’s quest to industrialize has received major attention in recent times. Special economic zones (SEZs) are thus recognized as capable of providing opportunities for firms to…
Nurturing sustainability: the interplay among digital marketing communication, online customer experience and sustainable purchase intention
Anand Thakur, Kavita Singla, Kamini Singla, Alisha Ansari, Ankita Mishra, Simran Kaur, Parwinder KaurThis study aims to delve into the underlying factors that play a pivotal role in shaping effective digital marketing communication (DMC) to promote sustainability. Further, it…
Could entrepreneurial leadership promote employees’ IWB? The roles of intrinsic motivation, creative self-efficacy and firms’ innovation climate
Mohammed Awad Alshahrani, Muhammad Zafar Yaqub, Murad Ali, Imane El Hakimi, Mohammad Asif SalamBuilding on social cognitive theory and self-determination theory, this study aims to discern the innovative work behaviors of organizational employees as the process by which…
Innovation management and nanotechnology: a PRISMA-based analysis and research implications
Sisitha Rajapaksha, Piumika Yapa, Imalka MunaweeraInnovation management in nanotechnology entails the strategic supervision of the entire process of creating and executing novel concepts, technologies and products at the…
Leading the innovation: role of employee engagement as a mediator relating supervisor’s practices and employee’s innovative behaviour
Sultan Ali Almazrouei, Mohd Faiz HilmiBusiness environment, which is described by being volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, forces organisations to innovate their products, processes and services to stay…
Examination of the effects of technology orientation, technology innovation strategy and strategic orientation on information technology companies in technoparks
Zafer Adiguzel, Fatma Sonmez Cakir, Nimet KaraaslanThe purpose of the research is to examine the effects of technology orientation (TO) on information technology companies, not as a dimension of strategic orientation (SO), but as…
Research on the influence of technological innovation on regional economic growth based on neural network in Shaanxi, China
Xiaotong Li, Wei SuThe study aims to measure the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress of Shaanxi province and find out the main driving force of its economic development, which…
Green supply chain management practices and organizational performance in an emerging market
Minwir M. Al-Shammari, Afnan Al-MaathidiThe purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between seven green supply chain management (GSCM) practices and their impact on three types of organizational performance…
Customer experience and sustainability in social, environmental and economic contexts
Shivani SainiThe purpose of this paper is to introduce a new conceptual framework that integrates customer experience and sustainability across social, environmental and economic dimensions to…
Customer experience in digital transformation: the influence of intelligent chatbots toward a sustainable market
Sofia Gomes, João M. Lopes, Tiago TrancosoUsing artificial intelligence technologies in customer service through chatbots is revolutionizing companies’ commercial practices and business models. This study explores the…
Balancing innovation: the role of paradoxical leadership and ambidexterity in fostering team creativity
Muhammad Tasnim Khan, Sami UllahThis study, grounded in ambidexterity theory, aims to investigate how paradoxical leadership (PXL) fosters team creativity in high-tech manufacturing companies, with team…
Unravelling the definition of business process innovation: a systematic literature review
Detrin Qerimi, Krisztina Demeter, Dávid LosonciBusiness process innovation (BPI) is an emerging field that has captured the interest of both academics and policymakers. However, the term is often fraught with ambiguity and…
Crowdfunding dilemmas: understanding the roadblocks in Bangladesh’s SME’s financial landscape
Shabrina JannatThe purpose of this paper is to examine the complexities of crowdfunding for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Bangladesh, with a focus on its global significance and…
How does ethical leadership enhance employees’ innovative behavior? The roles of work group cohesiveness and openness to experience
Toan Khanh Tran PhamThe purpose of this study is to investigate how ethical leadership impacts employees’ innovative work behavior among public employees through the mediating role of group…
Exploring the role of green intellectual capital and HRM: green innovation and environmental performance intensify competitive advantage
Muhammad Hamid Shahbaz, Shahab Alam MalikThe purpose of this study is to focus on Pakistan’s food manufacturing enterprises and explore the knowledge and implications of green innovation, green intellectual capital (GIC…
Empowering farmer community with technology modernisation to improve rice farming performance through demonstration farms in East Java, Indonesia
Joko Mariyono, Apri KuntariningsihRice is a strategic commodity and staple food; thus, rice productivity should grow faster than the population. A public agricultural agency launched technology modernisation to…
Technological intensity and innovation capability: evidence from an emerging country
Jorge Tello-Gamarra, David Jesus Mayorga Gutierrez, Martin Hernani-Merino, Julio ZevallosIn general, it is believed that firms belonging to the high technological intensity stratum have a more innovation capability. However, evidence has begun to appear in the…
Narratives of growth of formative technological innovation systems based on a knowledge perspective: the case of medical devices
Alfonso Avila-Robinson, Kumiko Miyazaki, Nazrul Islam, Shintaro SengokuThis study aims to analyze the narratives of growth during the initial stages of development of the medical device technological innovation system (TIS). This paper used…
Empathetic concern and social entrepreneurial intention: a moderated mediation model of social entrepreneurial self-efficacy and perceived cultural support
Thuy Thi Nguyen, Tuan-Duong Nguyen, Michael James MustafaThis study aims to explore whether social entrepreneurial self-efficacy (SESE) mediates the empathetic concern (EC)–social entrepreneurial intentions (SEIs) relationship. In…
Product innovation capability and distinctive value positioning drivers for marketing performance: a service-dominant logic perspective
Siti Zuhroh, Gilang Puspita RiniThis paper aims to develop a conceptual model showing how the concept of distinctive value positioning (DVP) could be a strategic solution for improving marketing performance in…
High performance work practices for innovative work behavior: mediating effect of workplace support and job embeddedness in IT-based service industry
Prakash Kumar Gautam, Dhruba Kumar GautamThis study aims to examine the impact of high performance work practices on innovative work behavior with individual and serial mediation effects of workplace support and job…
National innovation system for resilience, transformation and sustainable development in Uganda: contextual analysis of the factors, actors and associated linkages
Ronald Jjagwe, John Baptist Kirabira, Norbert Mukasa, Mackay OkureWhile the role of the National Innovation System (NIS) in promoting economic growth is well recognized, there remains a significant knowledge gap concerning how interactions among…
Exploring eco-friendly business practices and corporate innovation in Pakistan
Tanya Munir, Sean WattsThe manufacturing industry in Pakistan, like any other industry, promotes sustainability in its supply chain operations. Yet, the scenario is different in the chemical…
The impact of social ties on balanced vs combined innovation: the role of dynamic capabilities and innovation climate in knowledge-intensive business services firms
Khalizani Khalid, Syed Zamberi Ahmad, Mohamed BeheryThis study aims to investigate the impact of business ties, political ties and dynamic capabilities on balanced and combined ambidextrous innovation within the knowledge-intensive…
Self-efficacy: implications for university employees' innovativeness
Rehema Namono, Odoch J.P. Hojops, Simon TanuiThe current diversity in organizations requires innovative employees to cope up with the dynamism. A burgeoning body of literature has established the antecedent role of…
Air pollution and firm performance: the role of innovation and happiness
Ismail KalashThe detrimental effects of air pollution on the continuity of corporations attract more and more attention in the economic and financial studies. Prior literature investigates the…
Fostering innovation through governance systems: empirical insights from South Asian countries
Umar Farooq, Mosab I. Tabash, Mamdouh Abdulaziz Saleh Al-FaryanInnovation is necessary to ensure consistent economic growth and to meet the global competition. In view of this, the purpose of this study to check the effect of governance…
Rethinking holistic sustainable growth of Malaysian SMEs: a University Helix-Quadruple Bottom Line perspective
Ariful Islam, Sazali Abd Wahab, Shehnaz TehseenMalaysian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are critical for economic development and meeting the sustainable development goals (SDGs); however, many struggle to survive…
The moderating role of managerial discretion: the impact of dynamic managerial capabilities on established firms’ response strategies to disruptive innovation
Rana Bassam Madi-Odeh, Bader Yousef ObeidatUsing the upper echelons theory, this study aims to investigate the moderating effect of managerial discretion (MD) on the impact of dynamic managerial capabilities (DMCs) on…
Evaluating entrepreneurial intentions of health science students in higher education
Odette Chams-Anturi, Juan P. Escorcia-Caballero, Milton Soto-FerrariEntrepreneurial activities significantly contribute to economic growth and job creation, making entrepreneurship an attractive career path. While students’ entrepreneurial…
Well-being and sustainability: impact of teacher centred coaching model
Adelinda Araújo Candeias, António Portelada, Adriana Félix, Edgar GalindoThe development of educational models that prioritize the well-being and sustainability of educational communities has become increasingly important in recent years. The purpose…
SMEs’ maneuvering: efficacy of smart talent management, adoption innovation climate and motivational culture as enablers for improved SMEs’ performance – an empirical study in the Middle East region
Moh’d Anwer Al-ShboulThis study aims to examine the impact of smart talent management (STM) on the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which is mediated by providing an adoption…
Transition in the mist: firm-level uncertainty perception and imitative innovation
Shutter ZorThis paper aims to construct a novel measure of firms’ perceived degree of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) and to examine its impact on imitative innovation.
Beyond averages: quantile regression explorations of sustainability practices and firm value
Amina Buallay, Jasim Yusuf AlAjmi, Sayed Fadhul, Aikaterini PapoutsiThis study investigates the association between corporate sustainability disclosures and firm performance and value.
Drifting towards multidimensional collaborative innovation: the co-evolution of collaboration networks and policy in China’s nuclear power industry
Weiwei Liu, Jingyi Yao, Kexin BiNuclear power is a stable and reliable energy source that can improve energy structure while reducing carbon emissions, which is of great significance for environmental protection…
Exploring the importance of innovation ambidexterity on performance: insights from NCA and IPMA analysis
Beatriz Corchuelo Martínez-Azúa, Alvaro Dias, Celia Sama-BerrocalAgribusiness shows a growing degree of competitiveness and innovation. However, the organizational mechanisms that compete for innovation and organizational performance are not…
University-industry open innovation: main enablers and practices based on a scoping review
Aurea Ysabel Murga PinillosGiven their capacity to generate knowledge, universities can be the primary external source of knowledge and innovation for companies. Despite studies on the potential drivers of…
Be a rainbow in own cloud: applying trait activation theory to trigger personality using conflict handling styles for intrapreneurial behaviour
Muhammad Zubair Alam, Muhammad Rafiq, Adnan Alafif, Sobia Nasir, Jawad BashirResearch in the field of intrapreneurial behaviour (IB) is developing in terms of the personality results of employees in various occupations. An important developing field is the…
The role of financial literacy in enhancing firm’s sustainable performance through Fintech adoption: a moderated mediation analysis
Imdadullah Hidayat-ur-RehmanThis study aims to explore the intricate relationship between financial literacy, digital transformation, Fintech adoption, competitiveness and sustainable firm performance…
Whether ChatGPT adoption inspires higher education students’ digital entrepreneurial intention? An integrated model of the SCCT and the TPB
Cong Doanh Duong, Thanh Hieu Nguyen, Tuan Vu Chu, Thanh Van Pham, Ngoc Diep DoThis study aims to integrate the Social Cognitive Career Theory with the Theory of Planned Behavior to unravel the intricate dynamics of how engaging with ChatGPT affects…
Green intellectual capital heading towards green innovation and environmental performance: assessing the moderating effect of green creativity in SMEs of Pakistan
Muhammad Hamid Shahbaz, Sajjad Ahmad, Shahab Alam MalikThis study aims to explore green practices within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and their implications for determining environmental performance. Targeting SMEs in…
The impact of entrepreneurial ecosystems on digital transformations: micro-level analysis
Jaiandra Guimarães, Cristina Fernandes, Pedro Mota VeigaEntrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) contribute to organisational success through enabling actors to restructure businesses, stimulating exchanges of resources as well as applications…
Is academic innovation need of an hour? The role of intellectual capital and dynamic capabilities in driving academic performance
Muhammad Hamid Shahbaz, Muhammad Kashif Durrani, Shahbaz SharifThis study aims to explore the connections between intellectual capital and academic performance in Lahore, Pakistan’s higher education institutions (HEIs). The research delves…
Influence of culture and personality factors in Vietnam: in view of theory of planned behaviour towards formation of entrepreneurial intentions
Greeni MaheshwariCulture plays a significant role in shaping the decision of the youths to start the new venture, and Vietnam being one of the collectivist societies in Asia, it is critical to…
Intrapreneurship research: What have we learned and where can we go from here?
Muhammad Farrukh, Issam GhazzawiThe study aims to analyze the evolution of intrapreneurship in terms of its productivity and impact while identifying major themes in the literature. It also seeks to suggest…
Mapping the future of frugal innovation research through CAQDAS technique
Júlia Quintino Sant’Ana, Linda Jessica De Montreuil Carmona, Giancarlo GomesThis study aims to answer the following research question: What are the opportunities for future research concerning the Frugal Innovation (FI) phenomenon? To address this, the…
Convexity of the triple helix of innovation game
Eustache MêgnigbêtoThis paper aims to determine the conditions for the core of the Triple Helix game to exist. The Triple Helix of university-industry-government relationships is a three-person…
CEOs scientific background and firm innovation: evidence from China
Irfan Ullah, Mohib Ur Rahman, Aurang ZebThis study aims to inspect the impact of Chief Executive Officers’ (CEOs) education in a “specific field,” such as CEOs with science and engineering backgrounds on firms’…
Coproduction, public sector innovation and governance: a systematic literature review
Julia Viezzer Baretta, Micheline Gaia Hoffmann, Luciana Militao, Josivania Silva FariasThe purpose of this study is examined whether coproduction appears spontaneously in the literature on public sector innovation and governance, the citizens’ role in coproduction…
The three levels of organizational change to build future potential organizations
Zoltán Krajcsák, Gyula BakacsiThis study aims to answer the question of what characterizes organizations with future-potential, and with the help of a model introduced in this study, the authors propose what…
Revealing the potential of FinTech innovation through knowledge assets: a study of firm financial performance
Mushahid Hussain Baig, Jin Xu, Faisal Shahzad, Rizwan AliThis study aims to investigate the association of FinTech innovation (FinTechINN) and firm performance (FP) by considering the role of knowledge assets (KA) as a causal mechanism…
It’s my pleasure to serve you! Examining the job contact, happiness, prosocial motivation, and innovative work behavior link
Safeya Almazrouei, Shaker Bani-Melhem, Faridah Mohd-ShamsudinJob characteristics can potentially influence employees’ attitudes and behaviors. However, their impact on employees’ innovative behaviors, particularly in public sector…
Financial development and green technological innovation: a case of GCC countries
Umar Farooq, Mosab I. Tabash, Adel AhmedThe purpose of this study is to check the impact of financial development on green technological innovation (GTI).
Using social media for innovation – market segmentation of family firms
Ramakrishnan Raman, Preetha MenonThe purpose of this study is to understand the strategy adopted by family firms in using social media for their business. Based on the social media usage, this paper attempts to…
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2009Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Brett Trusko
- Dr Rodrigo Cortopassi G. Lobo