Social Responsibility Journal: Volume 8 Issue 2


Table of contents

Corporate social and environmental accounting information reporting practices in Swaziland

Humayun Kabir, David M. Akinnusi

The aim of this paper is to determine corporate social reporting practices and to examine the type and extent of such reporting in the corporate reports of manufacturing companies…


Student attitudes to socially responsible business: a case study of mine workers in Chile

Debbie Holley

Given the proliferation of United Kingdom (UK) media headlines around the recent financial meltdown and the subsequent allocation of blame to government, bankers, the Bank of…

CSR through the heart of the Bodhi tree

Suthisak Kraisornsuthasinee

This paper seeks to explore an alternative direction to break the theoretical impasse in CSR.

Corporate investment in social responsibility versus dividends?

Michel T.J. Rakotomavo

The paper aims to examine whether corporate investment in social responsibility takes away from expected dividends.


Environmental sustainability orientation and financial resources of small manufacturing firms in the Philippines

Banjo Roxas, Doren Chadee

This study aims to challenge the conventional view that resources determine the extent of the environmental sustainability orientation (ESO) of small firms in a developing…


Cultural and legal challenges in implementing code of conduct in supply chain management of mobile phone industries: Sony Ericsson case study

Mohamad Zakaria, Zanda Garanča, Abdallah Sobeih

This paper seeks to identify the practical challenges of implementing a code of conduct in the supply chain management of multinational mobile phone industries from diverse…


Sources of variation in linking corporate social responsibility and financial performance

Ali Quazi, Alice Richardson

This purpose of this paper is to identify the possible sources of variation of results in prior studies linking corporate social responsibility (CSR) with corporate financial…


Slack‐resources hypothesis: a critical analysis under a multidimensional approach to corporate social performance

Tiago Melo

The purpose of the paper is to test the slack‐resources hypothesis in corporate social performance (CSP).


Corporate social responsibility in post‐apartheid South Africa

Sharlene Ramlall

The purpose of the paper is to analyse the relationship between corporate social responsibility and the concept of Black economic empowerment in South Africa. The paper examines…


Rising externality costs and corporate social responsibility case: EU legislation on electric and electronic equipment

Thomas Laudal

The purpose of this article is to study how we may identify the link between rising externality costs and corporate social responsibility (CSR) by using a market‐centric approach…

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  • Prof David Crowther