Journal of European Industrial Training: Volume 13 Issue 4


Table of contents

New Office Technology: A Study on Curriculum Design

Martin Mulder

A study on new office technology and the consequences forcurriculum design are described. In a preparatory study, information wascollected about trends in the field of office…

Putting Training to Work

Clifton P. Campbell, Gerald D. Cheek

After a course, do trainees transfer acquired behaviours and usethem back at work? Often the process is blocked for various reasons, andthis nullifies the effect of the training…

Networking for Real

Bryan Smith

A fundamental need in the development of managers that rarelyreceives the priority attention it warrants is the process ofnetworking. Whatever the reasons for this, it is vital…

Doing Business in a Different Culture: The Implications for Management Development

Alan Barratt

Globalisation of business means that many managers willincreasingly operate in different cultures. They need to be developed todo so. Strategic questions, factors to consider and…

Developing Managers for the Future: Current Provision and Future Needs

Mike Osbaldeston, Kevin Barham

Research into the provision of management education in the UK andEurope is summarised and perceived future demand, constraints on growthand planned strategic initiatives…



Online date, start – end:

1977 – 2011

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Emerald Publishing Limited